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Photo by A L L E F . V I N I C I U S Δ on Unsplash |
The other day I was listening to an episode of the Girl Boss Radio podcast (highly recommend if you've not come across it before!) The guest on this particular episode started talking about finding your North Star and how this can be such a breakthrough for so many people.
A bit of a lightbulb went off in my head and I started think a lot on the idea of having a North Star in your life and how it can be part of your solid foundation for positive wellbeing, building resilience and connecting with your identity.
You see I've spent a lot of time working with people as a support worker for the last 15 years and there's always seems to be a common thread that runs through a lot of the people I've helped - they've lost their purpose, their true meaning in life, or maybe they never even found it the first place.
The affect this has on people is clear to see, they become stuck and feel stagnated in their life which then leads to an unfulfilled feeling that leaves them saying to themselves "Is this all there is to my life?" Or "This isn't the life I imagined I would have!"
I know how that feels too because I have been there, I felt lost for most of my early adult life and it's only been in the last 10 years that I've slowly started to figure it all out for myself.
When I discovered my true North Star in life everything fell into place, and it's what keeps me going when I get low or start to lose faith in myself.
So what exactly is finding your North Star about and what can it do to help you?
Well, basically it's all about finding purpose in your life and connecting more with what's important to you.
Your North Star is the thing that you are most passionate about, it's the thing that you strive to achieve and it motivates you to get through each day and bust through each hurdle you come up against.
It defines all that you are about, sitting amongst your core values in life.
What's my North Star?
Well, mine is to empower women in any way I can to step into their true self and my blog here brings all of that together, so my right here is my North Star and I feel that it's my mission in life to provide support, encouragement and information to anyone who wants to a make a change.
When I focus on this goal and working towards what matters to me most I know I am following my North Star and this keeps me feeling grounded, passionate and so motivated each and everyday.
It defines my purpose in life and keeps me focused.
It feels true to me and who I am.
It gets me out of bed everyday and it keeps me fighting when I get knocked down by life.
Do you know what your North Star is?
If you don't I highly recommend you take some time to really hone in on it, I promise it will help you feel much more purpose and direction in your life but also it will massively boost your wellbeing, resilience and confidence too.
Jemma from Celery and Cupcakes is to educate women on body image and empower them to find body confidence.
Emma from Santosha Yoga is to teach yoga to others with level of mindfulness that leaves them feeling connected to their body and satisfied with their wellbeing.
Kim from Clementine App is helping women to beat anxiety, gain confidence and sleep better through her hypnotherapy app.
These missions and goals pour out of these women in so many different ways whenever you talk to them and they are dedicated to achieving them.
It's important to point out too that your North Start can change and evolve as you go through life. Although the true North Star in the sky aka Polaris appears to be fixed, as the earth axis changes over the years so does the North Star. You too may find that your North Star shifts over time as you achieve your missions or transcend into new chapters of your life - and that's OK because we humans are designed to growth and change, it doesn't make your purpose in life any less important or worthy.
Are you ready to find your North Star?
Here's a few ideas in helping you to define what yours is...
- Create a vision board with paper or on Pinterest (here's what mine looks like) centred around your passions, what you find meaningful and what you as an individual would like to achieve.
- Start a journal dedicated to exploring what is important to you, write down your values, beliefs and what you feel compelled to take action on.
- Get out into your community and find some local organisations or groups that are centred around issues or topics that line up with who you are and what you care about.
By taking time to explore these things you are most likely to connect with your personal North Star and find your true purpose. Believe me when I say that knowing what it is can make all the difference in becoming unstuck in your life.
Do you already know what your North Star is? I'd love to know so do share with me in the comments below or over on Instagram or Facebook.
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