So, I’m kick starting this new season with some updates on life, plus sharing my wisdom I’ve learnt over the summer months. It was messy and complicated and draining and littered with joyfulness all at once and with all those things comes life lessons and opportunities to grow, and you know I am always passionate about sharing these with you so that we can actually all grow and learn together.
I guess the main biggest updates are firstly, my new job at the library is going so well, I love being surround by books and people who love reading books and as a bonus I’m getting to use all the marketing and social media skills I have learnt by blogging here over the years and so here’s the first piece of wisdom I want to share. Don’t dismiss anything you’ve done or learnt over the years, shout out to the world about the things you are good at and are passionate about, even if you don’t think they’re relevant because you’ll be surprised by what path they may lead you down.
Secondly, and few people have asked me about this recently, I am no longer studying on my counselling course. We paid a stupid amount of money for me to do it and I’ve quit. I really had to wrestle with this one, especially because I loved doing it and I knew that it’s something I could be good at BUT, I couldn’t find the time or headspace to do it, working and being a parent has to come first. I also believe that despite being a government backed online learning organisation, I was mis-sold the course and that the qualification I would have ended up with wouldn't actually qualify me to work as a counsellor and isn’t recognised by any professional counselling bodies which contradicted the course description on the website (interestingly the course title, content and qualification has since changed on the website since I started).
As you can imagine this has been a bitter pill to swallow and I’m wracked with guilt over the time and money this has taken from our family (shout out to my incredibly supportive husband who always encourages me to what’s right for me) however forcing myself to continue would have had bigger implications in the long run and not only did I know that it was the thing in my life that had to give but also I knew that it was actually ok to let it go. So here’s the next piece of wisdom, always, always, do your research before you take on anything important - especially if it’s going to cost you money - and secondly allow yourself some room and grace to fail in life. You are never going to get things right all the time and actually accepting failure makes it easier to handle and to move on from. I’m now actually proud of myself that I found the courage to give up, the relief has been liberating!
Moving on, it’s been a HARD season of parenting. Over the summer we’ve transitioned our eldest from primary to secondary school and it’s been so much more emotional for all of us that we expected. Our middle one has had a bumpy journey too, she has a sensory processing disorder and was assessed and flagged for dyslexia last term too. It’s made her self esteem dip and I’ve had to work hard to get everything she needs actually put in place at school. The good news is that I’m finally getting the support she needs, and her recent adventures in to the world of Brownies has made all the difference, seeing her thrive there has been wonderful. Last of all my darling boy, our youngest, has not had the best start to the month with a nasty case of gastroenteritis that ended up with an over night stay in hospital. He’s also not loving preschool, so lots of tears every morning which is breaking my heart. On a positive note he’s finally got his speech and language session every week, although he’s improved so much over the summer anyway.
With all this going on with them individually and Dave and I drastically changing our work routines we’ve all felt the pressure and life feel’s like a massive juggle right now, so if you’re stuck in a parenting rut know you’re not alone. I’m holding on to the lovely memories made over the holidays though like Wren’s birth trip to the safari park, the endless days of swimming in the back garden pool, BBQ’s with friends, sleepovers and a rare date night out for Dave and I at the local beer festival - it’s not all been bad!
Looking to the future I have a bit more time on my hands now, although it hasn’t felt like it lately, now that Quinn in childcare 4 days a week. I turned 45 this month and I feel like it’s time to start getting on with my life a bit more. I’m ready to dust off some old ideas and projects, take some bold leaps forward and start to slowly create the vision of my life that I’ve been hiding away for so long.
I know life updates aren’t my usual post here, and if you’ve gotten this far, well done!
I appreciate everyone who sticks around and still takes the time to read my blog posts, my goal now is to transform this space over the next year into the next version of what I want to put out into the world, to be more helpful in your journey of learning and growth, to bring you more wisdom and insights into other women’s lives so that you can keep expanding yours into the vision of what you want for yourself too.
A final note - things I’m loving lately:
- How to Be a Better Human podcast - from
- Autumn fashion and recycling old clothes, Pinterest giving me all the inspiration lately.
- Fate: The Winx Fairies Saga - this is a live action version of the Italian made fairy cartoon that my girls loved to watch when they were a bit younger, unfortunately it’s rated 15 so they can’t watch it!
- Gorgeously warm and sunny days in September - what a joy!
- Running with our pup, I’ve download the NHS Couch to 5k app to help me kick start my fitness after a summer of ice cream and inaction.
- I’ve absolutely LOVED read the Glucose Revolution book from the Glucose Goddess, as a family we’ve all started to implement her hacks, honestly they're life changing!
So there you go, life, love and wisdom lately! I promise I won’t litter the blog with lot’s of personal updates moving forward but I will post them from time to time because human connection is so important, and of course I’ll be sharing any creative updates too.
I’m always open to feed back and would love to hear from you, email me at if you want to let me know what you want to see more or less of, if you’re interested in writing a guest post or just for a chat!
BTW - you can also find me on Instagram here.
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